What's next (seize the momentum!)

Is this the end...? Cue the tears!!! Nah, just kidding, this isn't goodbye (unless you're sick of me, ha!) - watch below because I've got something exciting to tell you about AND a message for you about messy paintings that I somehow forgot to mention anywhere else in this course?!

Click below to watch! 👇

Thank you so much for choosing me to be the person to get you started with watercolour, orrrr if you've tried it before but you're getting back into it, hopefully I've helped you reignite that passion and given you the confidence boost you needed. 

[TLDR: check out my other course here!]

Omg we have covered SO MUCH in this course! Here are just some of the things you've learnt:

  •  all about the materials you need, so if you don't have them already, you can go out and find the supplies
  • how you can set up your space so that you (hopefully) don't knock things over, and/or you know you can just muck around and set it up however you like, so long as you just keep your drink away from your water jars!!!
  • how to lighten your colours with just water
  • to expect the unexpected when you play with wet paint on a wet page
  • a range of brush strokes you can practice to build up muscle memory and get more confident with your brush

 And not only that, you now know how to paint watercolour leaves and flowers - and you don't even have to draw anything!

You can even muck around with changing up the colours of the petals, the shapes of the leaves (even the shapes and colour of your petals) to create a range of beautiful flowers and leaves. 

Most importantly, you have the skills in your watercolour toolbelt (or whatever you wanna call it) to keep on experimenting and learning and building on these skills, and to gain confidence!

AND you know that even if you make a little mistake or have a mishap (or drop your brush on your page) it's not the end of the world doesn't make you ‘bad’ at painting. 

Andddd, you know that there's no such thing as perfect ANYWAY, so it's totally fine if you are messy (in fact, it's completely normal!).

If you're keen to keep on learning with me, to dive into this deeper, and to learn:

  • how I actually choose and plan which brushstrokes I use to paint which petal
  • how I mix my colours
  • how I organize and arrange a beautiful watercolour floral arrangements

Basically, if you're interested in diving in deeper to learn how I actually plan these things and all the thinking behind it, I've got a course that goes into all of these things in more detail!

By the end of the course you'll not only have the confidence to paint a range of flowers and leaves, floral wreaths and floral arrangements, and mix your colours and know how to make them lovely and bright - you'll be able to look at any flower (whether or not it's even covered in the course) and work out what shapes/brushstrokes to use to paint your own vision of that flower!!!

That means you’ll be able to paint any flower you like, and really lean into developing your own style of painting.

You’ll get a behind the scenes look into my brain (which is kind of terrifying, ha - it’s chaos in there!).

But really, you’ll get some insight into how I think and plan these things - beyond just the basics of how to paint a leaf and a flower.

After finishing the course you’ll be able to understand how I go from seeing a flower, deciding to paint it, and then actually turning it into a watercolour painting - so you can then do the same.

You’ll have the skills and knowledge to keep on painting - in fact, you won't even need me by the end of the course! 

If that interests you, check it out here!

Thank you again and happy painting!!!

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