This course is valued at $112, but you can use coupon code


to access it for just $12AUD!

Wanna learn watercolour, but one of these thoughts have held you back?!

  • you're scared you won't be good at painting
  • you don't think you're creative (e.g. you can't even draw a stick figure!)
  • you've never tried it before (or, not since school) and you have no idea where to start

Never fear, I'm here to help!

This course is valued at $112, but you can use coupon code


to access it for just $12AUD!

You can think of me as your Watercolour Fairy Godmother!

Watercolour doesn't have to be scary and intimidating - even if you've NEVER tried it before - I make it really easy and simple (I even encourage you to be messy!).

By the end of this course you'll be able to:

  • paint watercolour leaves and flowers with confidence, and,
  • you'll have a creative hobby to help you relax and unwind and do something just for YOU!

But really, the fact you'll know how to paint beautiful watercolour pieces (that you can frame and hang on the wall!) is almost just an added bonus!!!


Because the process of playing and experimenting with watercolour is a huge win in itself, and an incredible way to recharge and unwind.

Learn watercolour without the overwhelm of working out where to even start -

let me show you what and how to paint!

What you'll learn

This course is full of bite-sized lessons to get you started with watercolour FAST! 

Here are just some of the things you'll learn:

  • all about the materials you need to get started with watercolour
  • how you can set up your space ready for painting
  • how to lighten your colours
  • what to expect when you add wet paint to a wet page
  • my favourite brushstrokes
  • how to paint leaves and flowers!

This course is valued at $112, but you can use coupon code


to access it for just $12AUD!